Adele Box
Alternative Education and Youth Tutor
Tēnā koutou whanau
Nō Ingarani, Wēra, Aerana, Huitene ōku tupuna (My ancestors are from England, Wales,
Ireland and Scandinavian)
Engari ko Tauranga tōku kāinga (But Tauranga is my home)
Ko Mauao te maunga (mountain)
Ko Tauranga Moana te awa (river)
Ko Timandra te waka (ancestral waka)
Ko Pakeha, ko Ingarani, ko Wēra, ko Aerana, ko Huitene nga iwi (tribe)
Ko Box te Hapū (sub tribe)
Ko Ian Box tōku pāpā (father)
Ko Rhonda Wills tōku māmā (mother)
Ko James tōku tamariki (child)
Ko Adele ahau (I am)
Nō Tauranga ahau (I am from)
Nō reira, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa (therefore, welcome, welcome,
welcome everyone)